Monday 1 September 2014

Career Path

Ever since the last year of sixth form came to an end and all my friends have began their exciting adventure. I have been stuck and confused of which CAREER PATH I want to travel for the rest of my life. Maybe that's the dilemma, I am viewing this from the wrong vision lenses, perhaps this should be interpret differently. I shouldn't be banging my head against the wall desperately hoping for a career to fall out of my head, because the truth is I have intensively gone through all of them and, stuck up Sabreen has been fussy, forming up lame ass excuses. And to me, it's crazy, a career, such pharmacy or dentistry is some people's motivation in life. But that is why I am not the doctor and they are. But that is fine by me because I know the purpose of my existence is not to have the same impact on universe the way a doctor does. But I hope almost as significant.

It is hard to let destiny determine my life objectives when, I grew up with hardy any interests. Jheezz, I am boring teenager, but then again so is everyone in my generation. Only kidding. Maybe. Not really. But in all honesty during my adolescence I didn't start many passions to nurture then to allow to grow. Despite this, I have spent countless hours locked up in my bedroom (being a depressing teenager) going through albums after albums listening the punk, rock, hip hop, urban, pop. Miles Kane, Blink 182, Paul McCartney, Dire Straits, Notorious B.I.G, Kanye West, Eminem, Chris Brown. From music I have developed my personal style. And I definitely over-romanticise over music, secretly I like to watch people go on with their everyday life unaware of me peeking into their personal lives. But this experience is so much better when listening to music, it makes its so cinematic and look more artistic. Shh its a secret.

Don't worry by the way, I have develop some interest in the past year so I am no longer a boring teenager. I like to keep an active lifestyle and attend the gym ever other day. Also experimenting with new healthy recipes is always a blast (THAT IS A LIE!). But I do believe keeping a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE is more important than people recognise it to be.

So the message I send out today is that, it's insane to devote an entire life accomplishing a career only for the money which doesn't shape you to become a better person.You only get one shot in life and to spend 80% of it working is precious time wasted. So do something that matters to you and don't forget to have fun along the way.To be honest I don't know what career I want, but I do know that I don't have any intention of going uni, which brings me a step closer to fate. Apprenticeship sounds like a good idea and I definitely want to give them a go.

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